Where have we been you ask? BUSY! All of a sudden our lives just seem go, go, go these days. First of all, we moved to a BEAUTIFUL (and much larger) home a few weeks ago. We absolutely LOVE it and are so grateful to those that have helped us out. We are still unpacking and probably will be for a long time to come. We have too much stuff and and too many kids that keep us from getting it done. :P
The kitchen & family room are really the only rooms that are *mostly* put together.

We also got to go to Disneyland a couple weeks ago. I'm not gonna lie, it was TOUGH juggling all four kids, but it was also so much fun! I mean, how can you not have fun at Disneyland?!

Last night Colby was taking the garbage cans out to the curb and was greeted by this. EWWWW!!!
The kids have been saving money by recycling water bottles and soda cans. So today I took them out to spend a little of their hard earned money. :)
Landon got some Cars pjs and Cars plate, bowl & cup. That kids LOVES him some Lightning McQueen! Landon turned THREE last week. It's still hard to believe! He got lots of car stuff for his birthday, too. And, of course, Cars cupcakes. He's been potty training since his birthday and has been doing surprisingly well. Although I am getting tired of emptying his potty. He is a little peeing machine! He drinks soooo much during the day. :)
Cailyn picked out a Littlest Pet Shop toy. She discovered that game on the Wii yesterday and now has an obsession!
Also, she lost her FIRST TOOTH on the day we moved. She lost it at school and got a little treasure chest to put it in. When I talked with her about putting it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy she said, "Oh I'm not going to do that. I just want to keep my cute little tooth forever. I don't want the money." Luckily we convinced her to give it up. :)
Owen and Jacob are growing as fast as ever. They are also sleeping through the night which is AWESOME, especially considering my other kids never did at this age. I really thought people were lying when they said their kids slept through the night!

Owen has become way too efficient at rolling these days. I am so worried for when they can really get around!
Jacob absolutely loves jumping in his jumperoo. It just cracks me up to watch them. :)
Well, I think everything is up to date now. Hopefully I can get back to being more on top of things!
1 comment:
Hooray! :) This is completely satisfying. That picture of owen and jacob on the blanket is SO perfectly cute!!
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