Cailyn has been begging me for months now to get her hair cut. Her hair was soooo long and even though it could be beautiful at times, she didn't like all the tangles and she was ready for a change. She was ready to cut it all off! So finally today she got her wish.
I think it looks adorable and I'm excited that it'll be more manageable. :) But most importantly Cailyn is happy and loves it (and can't stop talking about how good she looks!).
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Saturday, August 13, 2011
We borrowed Dad's tractor a couple weeks ago to do some work in our yard and have had it parked out back. The other day the kids were playing outside and I came out to find that Jacob finally discovered it was back there and had climbed up and was playing on it. He thought it was the coolest new toy and was mad when I pulled him down!

Friday, August 12, 2011
Landon's Bike
Cailyn has been spending a lot of time on her bike this summer. Landon tried to keep up with her using an old bike we got at a garage sale a long time ago, but it soon became apparent that he needed something a little better. So as a reward for finally learning to say prayers all by himself he got to pick out a new bike. Doesn't he look uber cool with his shades and helmet? :)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
3rd Grade
I really can't believe that summer is gone and another school year has started. Life just moves too quickly these days! And I can't believe my little girl is starting 3rd grade. I swear it feels like yesterday when she started Kindergarten. She has grown up so much in just a few years. Pretty soon she'll be turning 8 and getting baptized! Cailyn has been such an amazing little helper this summer. She is always willing and happy to unbuckle the boys car seats, help them into their high chairs, get them drinks or snacks, help clean up, etc. I will miss her being gone all day and I know Landon will, too. They have been the best of friends and have loved playing together. Cailyn always comes up with creative and fun things to do for them. She is such a bright girl and I just love her so very much!!!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Two Wheels
A couple days ago Papa came over take the big kids on a bike ride. When they came back Cailyn told me to come out and watch her. To my amazement her training wheels were off and she was riding around as if she'd been riding like that forever. She was all smiles and I could just tell she was so proud of herself -- and rightly so. :) She's been riding her bike non-stop ever since! :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Um, Seriously?!?!
It's no secret -- raising twins is TOUGH! So much harder than our singletons ever were. If Cailyn & Landon had come down as twins, I think it would've been more manageable. But these boys (and Owen, in particular) are a breed unto themselves. They get into FAR more trouble than Cailyn and Landon ever did. Jacob might not have been so bad on his own, but the saying is true, "Monkey see, monkey do" and he gets into just as much mischief as Owen, or at least he's always along for the ride. :)
Two nights ago we lowered their cribs because they were on the brink of literally jumping out of them. I thought they were safe playing in their room but, no. Today I found Owen on top of the dresser and Jacob thinking about making his way up there as well. My goodness, I don't know what to do with these crazy little boys! :P
Two nights ago we lowered their cribs because they were on the brink of literally jumping out of them. I thought they were safe playing in their room but, no. Today I found Owen on top of the dresser and Jacob thinking about making his way up there as well. My goodness, I don't know what to do with these crazy little boys! :P
Monday, July 11, 2011
Happy Dip
It's tough being the big brother to TWO little boys. Just ask Landon. You know those really cool grocery carts they have with the car in front? Yeah, my kids love those. (What kid doesn't?!)
There are two seats and Cailyn & Landon have usually had the privilege of claiming those spots. Enter Jacob & Owen -- two crazy little toddlers who do NOT like grocery shopping and are finally big enough to ride in them. Today we went to Stater Bros and we spotted one of those fancy carts. Landon made a beeline for it, but I had to tell him that his little brothers got to ride in it, and there wouldn't be enough room for him. And boy did that ever break his heart! Suddenly his lip hung low and the tears just started rolling down his cute little face! Oh, I felt so bad for him! So to make it up to him (and let's face it, to save face in front of all those customers who were staring at us like I must be the worst mom in the world) I told him he could pick out a treat. He walked down the candy isle with a big grin on his face and carefully chose for himself a Fun Dip. As soon as we got home he dove right in. The best part is that he's been calling it a Happy Dip and who am I to correct him? It actually seems more fitting in this situation, anyway. :)

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