Since we borrowed Dad's uber nice camera for our light painting, I figured I take a few (hundred!) pics of the kids while we still had it. And I must say, these are a couple of great looking kids! :)
For our date night this week we did light painting (using THIS video tutorial) and it was soooo much fun! It took us a bit to get the hang of it and figure things out, but once we did we were on a roll and kept coming up with fun ideas. We stayed up way too late and started getting goofy. :P When we showed our kids the pics in the morning they thought it was so cool. So we decided to do it again tonight with the kids. :)
One of the activities we pulled out of our can this week was to bake a cake in Cailyn's Easy Bake Oven. I found THIS recipe using just a regular cake mix and milk and they turned out really yummy!
It was such a beautiful day yesterday! Landon wanted to try on his new Spongebob swimsuit. I was finally able to force convince Cailyn to run through the sprinklers (she's always had this hatred of water!). And of course once she finally did it she loved it!
For FHE this week we talked about what we'd like to do this summer. We started off watching this clip from the Jungle Book.
Sometimes I feel like we are like those vultures, always talking about things we'd like to do, but never actually getting around to it. So I decorated a few cans and we all came up with ideas of things to do this summer. We separated them into 3 categories: Summer Fun (things we can do any day like make bubbles, have a tea party, etc), Summer Adventure (things to do on Daddy's day off like the beach, swimming, etc), and Household Projects (things Colby & I get to work on around the house). Each evening if we remember to clean our rooms and have family scripture & prayer then we get to pick something out of the can for the next day. I'm excited with some of the ideas we had and even more excited to actually do them!
Colby and I decided we were tired of the orange wall in the family room. And the "clouds" on the wall from patching up some holes just had to go. So we decided to paint the wall green and it turned out rather nicely. :)
Before: After: Now we just need to get some nice throw pillows and curtains. I love that we're finally getting around to putting our house together and making it feel more home-y!
Cailyn was a little sad that 1st grade was coming to a close, especially cuz she won't be going back to that school next year and will miss all her friends. So on the last day of school I put together these little buckets to celebrate the summer. They were filled with squirt guns, bubbles, otter pops, bug catchers, etc. Their favorite has been filling the buckets with water and playing with the squirters. They played outside ALL DAY yesterday! Here's to a fun summer vacation! :)